Day 21: Lugano to Milan

Got to Milan! Strange start as our hotel is closed on Sun so we had to lock up the hotel and put the key in the letter box! It also meant we were sent to the next door bar for breakfast at 8. Needless to say nobody was there at 8 and when they did turn up they gave us a rubbish breakfast!

Anyway the first part of the day was idyllic, riding past lovely villas on the shore of Lake Lugano. Then we went through some quiet towns to the border. Immediately past the  Italian border at Como the road surface crumbled, the cycle lanes disappeared and we struggled on towards Milan. All uphill at first. Then down through villages and suburbs to the city. Amazing route along back streets and a park!

Staying in a nice hotel run by a couple of men who gave us delicious, aged prosecco when we arrived. The only hitch is our bike boxes due to arrive on 6 June have yet to appear!


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