Day 10: Luxembourg City to Metz

An interesting night last night.
We came back to our hotel (the Bristol; us Brits like a bit of nostalgia) and we couldn't unlock our door. I went down to reception, and the receptionist looked at me pitifully (Les vieux Anglais sont dippy!), came up and tried himself. No joy. To cut a very long story (about two hours), the emergency locksmith was called out to drill open the door, and we took our stuff to a new room (upgraded!)
He literally drilled open the metal lock! The whole thing was replaced and in good working order by the morning!

Today was a great day. An easy 42 miles down rolling, fast roads to the Moselle river, and on along the towpath into Metz.
A lovely, old city with one amazing cathedral. So high, I needed my belay glasses to see the roof!

We're in an Ibis hotel, so pretty good. And we're off for an Asparagus supper - a regional speciality at this time of the year. Bon appetit. (We're also pretty done in, as we've just had a big bottle of La Chouffe 💪 ale.)


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