Day 4: Made to Eindhoven

Our Bnb in Made was great.
Quiet and peaceful for a good night's sleep. And a lovely Dutch breakfast (ham and gouda) this morning.
We set off in good cheer.
The route today was just 45 miles with a gentle tail-ish wind. Flat of course.
Our shoulders/necks are starting to ache after about 30 miles, so the last few miles were hard. I won't mention R's sore bum!
We arrived quite early at our hotel, with enough time to visit the Philips museum.
Good fun seeing all the old TVs, tape recorders, Philishaves and other gadgets that we bought 'back then'.
Our hotel is a boutique hotel, which means it's a bit odd and pricey.
But the bed is nice and comfy 💤


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