Day 9: Fischbach to Luxembourg City

An exhausting day! Off and on a busy road to start with but then on to a cycle path that followed the river into Luxembourg City. The approach through the suburbs was lovely - very green.
Then it took us another hour to find our hotel! D's satnav nearly exploded going round in circles as we went through city gates (several times!) and up and down the cobbled streets between the upper and lower town, and across bridges.... Anyway we finally found it, conveniently next to a bakery!
A word from D. Luxembourg is the most pedestrian/cyclist unfriendly country ever. Signage is dreadful, not that there's much to sign. And it's a massively wealthy place. It needs Chris Boardman to shake things up a bit. I kept blaming Junker every time a lorry pushed me into the side. The closest I've ever come to voting for Brexit!


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