Sunday 19th May 2019. Preparations

We're off tomorrow on our summer cycle.
896 miles from our front door to Milan.
We're cycling through 10 countries, about 50 miles a day, over 19 stages.
We're having two rest days in the middle to reconfigure our bodies and bikes, and most importanly, to wash our clothes!
We're travelling light, mostly on our backs in a rucksack.
We've toyed with panniers, but aren't great fans.
Navigation is via a Mio 400 GPS cycle computer. It's just like a car SatNav system, but with smaller, less well-defined maps. We used this last year for our LEJOG trip and it worked well.
Backup is the phone. The 19 sections are uploaded into an App called 'Ride with GPS', and give a pretty detailed view of the whole route.
Backup 2 are 1:100,000 road maps of the whole route. As well as a backup, the paper maps give a much better overview of where we're going.
The final preparations to the bikes have been completed, and our gear is in the hall ready for an 08:30 start.


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