Day 19: Cazis to San Bernardino

This was the big day with almost 30 miles of ascent, with various warning signs advising us of this! But there were long flattish parts across beautiful hanging valleys and woods so it wasn't as relentless as we anticipated. We did have to ford every stream like the von Trapps.
The climate changed from a sunny Alpine June to a bleak Arctic winter with a formidable wind at the top. The San Bernadino is on the Swiss equivalent of the Scottish 500 so there were loads of motorcyclists on the way up. Cars gave us the thumbs up when they roared past!
We made it to the top and were immediately frozen - luckily there was the inevitable cafe there to warm us up. We had to put all our clothes on to get down the few kilometres to our bnb - but it was a lot quicker than going up!


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